Two new bookazines on sale today!

On the Imagine Shop today: the Book of the Titanic and the Book of Vikings.

In the Book of the Titanic you will find the truth behind a tale that has become legendary, from the blueprints and dimensions from which the ship was born, to the treacherous conditions that would prove its end. You’ll gain insights into the lives of those on board, the aftermath and quest for justice, and the more recent expeditions to inspect and preserve the wreckage of the ship itself.

Find it on sale at the ImagineShop


And if you prefer your history a little less recent – look no further than the Book of Vikings! Packed with fascinating facts and images, the All About History Book of Vikings explores what caused the end of the Viking age, what their remaining legacy is, and gives you the chance to gaze upon the historical artefacts that help us understand more about these incredible warriors.

Find it on sale at the ImagineShop