Plus history of amusement parks, Ferdinand and Isabella, Queen Dido and much more!

On 6 June 2024 we’ll be marking the 80th anniversary of one of the most important Allied operations of World War II, D-Day. This unprecedented beach landing of Allied forces looking to liberate France from Nazi occupation was many weeks and months in the making, but in only a few hours the tide was already beginning to turn. For this issue of All About History, we wanted to take a microscope to that first day and see how the battle ebbed and flowed from hour to hour.
You can read D-Day: Hour By Hour in the latest issue of All About History, available now at a newsstand near you and available to order from MagazinesDirect. Here’s a closer look at our D-Day feature and the other fascinating stories you can explore in All About History 143.
D-Day: Hour by hour

Get an hour by hour breakdown of the events of D-Day as Allied troops from the UK, Canada and the United States, as well as support from Australian, Belgian, Czech, Dutch, French, Greek, New Zealand, Norwegian, Rhodesian and Polish air and land forces, looked to get a foothold in Normandy.
Ferdinand & Isabella

King and queen of Aragon and Castile respectively, Ferdinand and Isabella we the great medieval power couple whose reigns and combined might reshaped the dynamics of European power and spearheaded the colonisation of lands beyond. Discover their full story in our latest issue.
the First Detective

Did you know that the first known private detective actually started life as a criminal? We delve into the backstory of Francois Vidocq, who set aside his criminal ways to innovate investigative techniques that continue to be the backbone of crime scene investigation and intelligence gathering.
Evolution of Amusement parks

Often the sole province of the rich and powerful, dedicated plots of land devoted to leisure and entertainment gradually opened up to the public over centuries. Starting as gardens and fairs, they evolved into seaside resorts and pleasure parks. We examine how they developed even further into the theme parks we know today in All About History 143.
Behind the Aztec Myths

Getting to the truth of what the Aztecs really believed can be tricky as so many sources we have come from the Spanish invaders. However, Camilla Townsend has gone back to the original Aztec texts written in their own language of Nahuatl to uncover the interesting ways their myths and religion evolved and was represented in daily life.
Plus much more
Also in this issue of All About History:
- Was the legendary Queen Dido, founder of Carthage more myth than reality? We delve into the history to find out what the real story could be.
- How might the world have been different if Argentina had won the Falklands War? Discover all the repercussions that could have resulted both in the UK and South America.
- From master works of art to philosophical ideas, the Dutch Golden Age was an influential period, as you’ll find in our dedicated All About section.
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