All About History issue preview – Flawed founding of the United States, Henry V, ancient lovers

Plus James Baldwin, history of modern art, Korea’s mother of the nation, and much more!

The origin story of the United States often paints of picture of intellectual cordiality, of fair-minded compromise and statesmanship. The reality wasn’t exactly like that. The 13 original states of the union were individualistic and in fear of the empire across the Atlantic that they had just managed to defeat in the Revolutionary War. What if the British crossed the Canadian border? What if the turmoil in France meant they no longer had a strong European ally? Not to mention the question of the continued practice of enslavement and the push already beginning to abolish it.

We get into the thorny details of all of this in the latest issue of All About History, available now at a newsstand near you and available to order from MagazinesDirect. Here’s a closer look at our founding of the United States feature and the other fascinating stories you can explore in All About History 148.

Pulitzer Prize-winning history Alan Taylor is our guide to the troubled founding of the United States, from arguments between founding fathers to fears of a second British invasion. Were the seeds of civil war written into the constitution when slavery was allowed to continue? We dig into all the details.

Was Henry V the perfect medieval king? That’s the opinion of celebrated historian Dan Jones as we discuss his latest book on the warrior king and his love of history in general, from his earliest days to the books and documentaries that he makes today.

We explore the fascinating life of author and activist James Baldwin whose groundbreaking work pushed boundaries in the world of fiction and whose powerful voice for the Civil Rights movement helped to give voice to a generation.

Who was Shin Saimdang, the woman who now graces South Korean currency? We explore the life of this pioneering woman whose art brought elements of her nation into the limelight while also confronting the repressive way in which her memory and dedication to her family has need used.

What’s the evidence for LGBTQ+ people in ancient history? It’s all over the place. While the modern terms used would not apply and some relationships would be considered outside of acceptable norms today, we pick apart the stories of queer ancient lovers and what we can learn from them.

Also in this issue of All About History:

  • How can a piece of history be turned into a boardgame experience? We find out with tabletop game designers from Osprey Games with they latest French Resistance experience, War Story: Occupied France.
  • Could Japan have invaded India during WWII? It was a distinct possibility as the Imperial Army swept across regions of Asia, but what impact would it have had on the Allied war effort and Indian independence movement?
  • From Picasso to Pollock, we explore the history of modern art, some of its most controversial artists and examples and the best places around the world to experience it.

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