All About History issue preview – The First Americans, Tudor fashion tips, school history

Plus secrets of the goddesses, stars behind bars, the Lavender Scare and much more!

Before Christopher Columbus, before Hernán Cortés and before the Pilgrims there were a wide array of communities across the wide open landmass of North America. How did they live their lives? What mattered to them? What remains of cultures and history today? These are just some of the questions we wanted to answer in the latest issue of All About History as we delve into the indigenous history of America before the colonists arrived. And, as you’ll discover, it’s a rich and varied story that has much to teach us about the history of the region.

Learn all about the First Americans in the latest issue of All About History, available now at a newsstand near you and available to order from MagazinesDirect. Here’s a closer look at our First Americans feature and the other fascinating stories you can explore in All About History 152.

Examining the different cultural groupings of indigenous Americans at the time of contact with European settlers, archaeologist Maureen Meyers takes us on a tour of North America. Discover the wide and varied experience of people across the continent before colonisation took hold.

From ruffs to codpieces, keeping up with the latest trends at the Tudor court was pivotal if you wanted to get ahead (and stay there). We break down the must-know clothing dos and donts of the era and highlight the fashion icons of their day.

Classics expert Jasmine Elmer breaks down the lives of goddesses from across the world to find the common links and dark secrets that have been lost in this exclusive interview. What do their myths, legends and tales teach us about the communities that created them?

From David Bowie to Jane Fonda and from Frank Sinatra to Cher, there are some peculiar mugshots out there of celebrities who got on the wrong side of the law, but what were the stories behind those images? We delve into the facts to reveal what put them in front of that often-unflattering lens.

The Asuka period in Japan was the era in which it adopted its native name, Nippon, often translated in the west to Land of the Rising Sun. So, why was this era of Japanese history so influential and impactful to creating the nation we know today? Find out in this new issue.

Also in this issue of All About History:

  • What would have happened if Joseph Stalin’s Red Army hadn’t stopped at Berlin in 1945 and had continued west to conquer more of Europe? We find out in the latest What If interview.
  • From ancient Roman schools to Victorian classrooms, discover the long history of childhood education.
  • Learn the story of the Cold War gay panic known as the Lavender Scare as fear of communism led to officials turning on LGBTQ+ staff in government.

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