Inside this issue of All About History, you will discover…
Rome’s deadliest tyrant
Nero was the Roman Empire’s most savage ruler. Killing sprees, epic betrayal, a twisted mother-son love affair – read about the shocking story in this Issue 41. We also round-up the five most murderous emperors and ask the experts whether Nero was really responsible for setting Rome on fire in a bid to discover the real man behind the monstrous myth.
The Nazi Olympics
It’s been 80 years since the Nazi Olympics in 1936 – the first games to be televised. As Hitler raised his arm in salute, athletes from roughly half the countries involved saluted back. Those that refused, including Britain and the USA, were met with jeers from the largely German crowd. The Führer was determined to show the Nazi Party and its Aryan ideals in a positive light. Find out what really happened in our special feature.
Also inside…
Spanish Civil War
– Picasso, Orwell and the fight against fascism
Rise of the House of York
– How Edward VI triumphed at Tewkesbury
18 wildest hoaxes
– From the Cottingley Fairies to the Roswell alien autopsy
Mary Queen of Scots: the true heir?
Discovery of Australia
Boxer Rebellion
The British Raj
Time traveller’s guide to East Berlin, 1960s
The Battle of Iwo Jima
Hygiene products through history
Recipe: Australian damper bread
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