Plus the Inca Alexander, the high-seas battle against slavery, what if Marilyn Monroe had lived and much more!
Of Henry VIII’s six wives, Anne of Cleves might get the least attention. It makes some sense, given that she was married to him for only a few months in 1540. However, Anne would go on to live as one of Tudor England’s wealthiest women for the next 17 years, outliving Henry and all of his other wives. How did she manage to turn rejection and humiliation into a life of fortune, favour and independence?
We delve into the life of Anne of Cleves in the latest issue of All About History, available now at a newsstand near you and available to order from MagazinesDirect. Here’s a closer look at our Anne of Cleves feature and the other fascinating stories you can explore in All About History 151.
Anne of Cleves: The Great Survivor
We all know that Anne of Cleves unceremoniously saw her marriage to Henry VIII annulled not long after their marriage, but what happened next? Well, she became one of Tudor England’s most wealthy and and independent women, thought of as the ‘king’s sister’. Find out how in our cover feature.
Hidden secrets in great art
The enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa may hint at a secret between artist and subject, but is there a hidden message in her eyes? And how many in-jokes are hidden in ‘The Blue Cloak’. We investigate the amazing secrets in historic art.
Crime in Blackout London
As if the German bombers weren’t enough to fear during the Blitz, there were those who sought to take advantage of the reduced police presence and blackouts of London for their own ends. Uncover the criminal happenings in England’s capital during WWII.
a weapon for abolition
Having abolished slavery in Britain the Royal Navy was tasked with stopping the trade across the Atlantic. This issue we learn about one ship, commandeered from slavers, that the Navy used to hunt them down and the wider mission of the West Africa Squadron.
What if marilyn monroe had lived?
The tragic death of Marilyn Monroe in 1962 at the age of 36 shocked the world. She was one of Hollywood’s most iconic stars, but had more than her fair share of troubles. Was there anything that could have been done to change the path she was one and what future was in front of her?
Plus much more
Also in this issue of All About History:
- We delve into the origins, history and impact of the age of Enlightenment, from its great scientific and philosophical advances, to its silence on the evils of slavery.
- Meet Topa Inca Yupanqui, the warrior king who helped to forge the Inca Empire and has drawn comparisons to Alexander the Great.
- Explore some of the lost cities of southeast Asia and learn why places like Angkor and Bagan were allowed to fall to ruin.
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